Christmas is approaching fast. Although this year was different from the others in many ways, we must not forget those around us. Given the current situation, our recommendation is to move towards online shopping sessions. You will spend less time shopping because you will avoid the congestion in stores, you will protect yourself by limiting your exposure to Coronavirus and, why not, you will choose more suitable gifts, instead of buying “what you find in the store”.
Did you wait until the last minute before you started shopping? Don’t worry, this article is for you. We will present you with tips on buying gifts for your loved ones.

1. Write a list of people you want to buy gifts for and set a budget for each
Before you start shopping, it is good to have a clear picture of the people you will give a gift to and the budget allocated for it. Calculate the amount you have realistically available, making sure it has no impact on other recurring expenses.
2. Take advantage of online last-minute sales
Retailers come to the aid of those who are not yet fully prepared for the holidays, so they offer significant discounts during this period.
3. Decide what you want to buy for each person on your list
If you have followed the advice in point 1 and made a list of people for whom you want to buy gifts, the next step is to think about what would be best for everyone. Although it seems that this action takes a long time, in reality it gives you the chance to spend less time shopping because you will already be ready when you access the online stores. Also, avoid impulse shopping and make sure that all gifts will consist of objects that will bring joy to those who receive them.
4. Carefully select the retailers you want to buy from
Before you start shopping, it is advisable to do a little research. See which sites offer the products you want to buy, then see what facilities they offer (discounts, free delivery, etc.).
5. Use online gift suggestions with confidence
Are you running out of ideas? No problem. Not only retailers offer gift suggestions, but also various websites or social media. This is a practical way to save time. You won’t have to look at many sites without a specific target, hoping you’ll find something that will “catch your eye”. Don’t forget that when you find something suitable, use the Bookmark option of the browser.
6. Shop small – help local businesses
It is a very difficult time, especially for small businesses. Consider them when setting the sites you will order from. You can have a pleasant surprise and find those small businesses have a varied offer and at the same time support the local economy.
7. Subscribe to newsletters and use the loyalty points you already have
Many online stores offer a discount voucher on the first purchase when you subscribe to the newsletter. Check if the stores you want to order from offer this feature and don’t forget to take advantage of it. Also, consider the stores whose loyal customer you are already, this way you can take advantage of the discount points accumulated so far.
8. Encourage your friends to write wish lists
This way, not only will it be easier for you to choose a gift, but you will be sure to choose a useful gift for the person who will receive it.
9. Opt for a gift made by you
We all rejoice when we know that the person who gave us a gift has thought of what we like. You can make your friends and family feel special by giving them a gift made by yourself. You can cook something for them, give them a cake, a handmade jewelry, a decoration made by you, a photo frame, maybe even a knitted garment. An object made by you adds a personal note to the gift.
10. One of my friends clearly said he didn’t want a present. What do I do?
It sometimes happens that people around us tell us that they do not want to receive a gift. You can make up for this by asking your friend if he prefers you to make a donation on his behalf to an organization. You can accept suggestions from organizations, or you can come up with a proposal yourself. This way you make sure that the money spent has brought joy to someone.